Tuesday, November 13, 2007
# 23 Is This Really The End ? Or Just The Beginning...
Yahoo I've finished. I've had some fun along the way and discovered that some staff have hidden talents I wasn't previously aware of. Overall I would like to revisit some of the technologies I have discovered along the way when time permits. However I'm not a 'blogger'and at the end of this training session my blog will be deleted and sent to cyberspace. I see endless possibilities for things like flickr, youtube and podcasts. So farewell to learning 2.0 as my next desk shift awaits.
# 22 Audiobooks
No more damaged books, scribble and dog ears? Libaries can now purchase audio files and some people may prefer downloadable eAudiobooks. However I feel there is a long way to go before libraries become electronic storage facilities. In the future I can visualise a genuine demand for this concept.
# 21 Podcasts Smodcasts
I explored Podcast.net and enjoyed listening to some British comedy under the heading of entertainment. The library could add a storytelling podcast to a children's section on the homepage and also add podcasts to announce any upcoming events. Another consideration would be an author interview prior to the release of a new title or author visit.I was disappointed with some podcasts because they wouldn't load and I lost interest in them. Overall Podcast.net received my vote as the preferred site.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
# 20 You Too Can YouTube
Decisions,decisions.Youtube has endless videos that I could add to my blog. I've managed to narrow it down to about three. As previously stated in my earlier post I think this site is all about fun but can also be used for training purposes. Library homepages could add a video of the month which might include updates on building renovations, childrens events and the latest library news. It might catch the interest of some patrons and attract more use of the homepage.I chose the marching/dancing prisoners because it's so controversial and shows the power of the 'web'. Some human rights activists are apalled by this series of dance routines whereas supporters feel it has helped rehabilitate prisoners and gives them purpose. It has become so popular that over eight million hits have been recorded on some of their videos.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
# 19 Discovering Web 2.0 Tools
I like the video category winner of Youtube. It's fun, can be informative and also allows you to upload videos on your mobile phone. The down side is there's a lot of videos not worth bothering with so you have to be selective. In a library setting a video of a library activity could be put onto the homepage.
# 18 Web Based Apps.
I've always thought there must be a web based word processing site but have only become aware of it through learning 2.0. Zohowriter is something that staff can suggest to public internet users because our library service doesn't offer word processing. The added bonus from this resource is that it is free and no software downloads are required.
# 17 Playing Around With PBWiki
I have added my blog to the favourites blogs and had a bit of a look around. I enjoyed the pbwikivideo tutorials which make learning easy, some clever people have spent considerable time setting these up. There's a lot of information and support available for people who want to use the wiki tool.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
# 16 So What's in a Wiki?
The youtube video provided in learning 2.0 is a basic and fun way to understand the wiki concept. However the 'wiki' is open to mis-use and can have a lack of control with regard to its content. I can visualise a cyberspace slanging match in some cases and I would rather do more constructive things with my time. Could be of use to a book club or groups with similar interests who want to keep in regular contact.
Monday, October 29, 2007
# 15 On Library 2.0
I visualise a second chapter of the web where everything can be accessed via the library homepage. People will seldom visit their branch and all their information and recreational needs will be delivered to the home PC. A PC that will be provided by the library service and leased to the occupants of the household. The internet has changed the image of libraries. It attracts another type of user who has different needs from the traditional book lover. Governments will pour millions of dollars into IT infrastructure to give the appearance they are forward thinking and assisting people with the modern dream. Rick Anderson's 'icebergs' and changes in attitudes add support to my thoughts.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
# 14 Technorati
Technorati is a search tool that tracks blogs using keywords and tags. The exercise brought up some interesting results. While searching for formula one footage I ended up linking with pole dancing footage in YouTube. The term pole position in racing car terms was the reason for this result. Needless to say this is interesting but it's all a bit random for my liking. I won't tag my post for this exercise.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
#13 Tagging etc in Del.icio.us
#12 Roll your Own Search Engine With Rollyo
I created my own Rollyo account and made a search roll on the subject of holidays. I have added my favourite website under this topic area. Couldn't get excited about this site and question its value as a tool for me.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
#11 All About Library Thing
I liked this site. Just loading some of my books brought back childhood, work and leisure time memories. It also created conversations with colleagues about favourite books. It's a useful tool that I have registered with and will explore some more.
Exercise #10 Image Generators

I found this execise time consuming and something I don't enjoy. Obviously some people have a lot of time on their hands creating the text and image generators. The process of sifting through the 'silliness' wasn't my idea of fun. Anyway I hope to find something soon that appeals to me. So far Bob Dylan, celebrities and characters that feed themselves hamburgers waste my time. This will do as I'm over this part of the course.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Exercise #9. Finding Feeds
I explored the search tools and liked Feedster the best. It is simple to use and there is no overload of information on the homepage. It also allows for different categories in the search process and provides a more specific capability than google blog search.
Excercise# 6 More Flickr Fun
Exploring Flickr Color Pickr reveals some amazing visual effects and beautiful colour tonings. Managed to drift into a link on home renovating from here known as www.myhome.com.au
Could have played for quite a while as I'm an addicted home renovator. Maybe when I have more time I will explore some more.
Could have played for quite a while as I'm an addicted home renovator. Maybe when I have more time I will explore some more.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Discovery Exercise# 8: Make Life Really Simple With RSS
I like this feature because it allows me to receive news that I'm interested in without the need to delete and report spam.For someone working in the capacity of a research assistant it would provide a valuable resource. Any relevant information would be forwarded and therefore save some time in the search process. Libraries can take advantage of this by receiving regular and up to date news on subject areas that are relevant to the library service.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Flickr #5 Pacific Ocean near the Gippsland Lakes
Discover Flickr #5
This photo from the Gippsland lakes area brings back fond memories. I love the area and plan to move there sometime in the future.(asap) The white sand, blue water and temperate climate are calling me. The exercise has introduced me to an enormous range of applications that I can use on my next holiday.The possibilities are endless!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Exercise # 7
I think I'm supposed to add around one hundred words supporting the wonders of technology on my blog. For some people it means they can go to a library and view themselves skateboarding down a stairway whilst flashing a smile through their mouth that is adorned by chrome ringlets. However it also means access to information and a very cheap form of communication throughout the world. Libraries have changed in the technology boom. Access to anything is available and you are only inhibited by your keyboard speed and time that you have on your hands. Computers are here to stay and play an important role in supporting other resources within the confines of the local library.
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